help me click it oo~~ just will take your few minutes:)
星期三, 四月 25, 2012
~25/4/2012~ ❤❤❤
25th April 2012 😍 super happy funny night so far! I hv nvr been so happy to meet up with my best dance mates till kisiao and feel like wanna keep stay with them everyday till Boh mood working anymore (just feeling.. Of cuz working still wanna be continue if not Boh loi) argh....Hv abit regret why during uni life I nvr meet them earlier?? If not sure can siao earlier and I can me more n more happiest... Hahaha... Nvm... Now is not too late... I love to shout in the class! Dancing..Smiling..Laughing All the time...I hv nvr expect to be so like n love n get sick on doing this action in real...Previously is just imagine and dreaming only... Aikssssss... That's why now lots of friends keep asking me why I'm suddenly so active in enjoying lots class and activity? My answer will be: I FOUND MY PASSION ✌✌✌ And finally I really hv an interest that I will keep doing it from now on and I won't stop it easily... Another most important points: I found same habits ie dancing and willing to go all the everywhere that can dance place with me... They are really different with my friends that I know during study life... They don't mind to waste petrol, like to car pool, don't hv keep giving excuse and they willing to sharing their opinion n experience... This is such a mentor plus best dance mate add on best friends from dance class ever...
I love my life ❤
Omg... I'm such been soooooo long time didn't update my blog... So many mushroom jor...since can't sleep so make a short update la.. Hehehe (^ω^)
Recently I'm sooo happy with my life... Get sick of dancing... Knowing a gang of same interest friends...they make me always can't stop of laughing...so cheering x))))) I love the life now...no more no life as imagine as previously ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪
Recently I'm sooo happy with my life... Get sick of dancing... Knowing a gang of same interest friends...they make me always can't stop of laughing...so cheering x))))) I love the life now...no more no life as imagine as previously ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪
星期日, 一月 22, 2012
Happy cny eve
Muhahaha....today is a nice luck day for me... Go bungkus roti canai n nasi lemak also can get the last one before sold out (woot) the another best thing is my brother offer me an iphone 4s with cheaper n cheaper price.... Nyehehehe...i never think that i will get it so fast xD gonna sek sai my 4s bery bery much jor \(^^)/
星期二, 十二月 13, 2011
Misstar Q DHouse
Misstar Q DHouse:
wow...finally thesis done~~no more project stress...following gonna focus on my final and business....and also dance 99..wahaha xD
wow...finally thesis done~~no more project stress...following gonna focus on my final and business....and also dance 99..wahaha xD
however, recently feel abit omg jor..no mood on study and cant focus on revision (can say is never start doing revision =____= *WTF*) argh..its my final semester over my degree aka uni life leh...how can i cant fight for my very last final final leh......... boooooooo~~~~~~~~ T______________________T
what in my mind is half about my business that i wont give up and another half is about my healthy that keep fit non-stop!!!!
i love ritmo zum~!!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥
okay..this is just a simple luan luan lai de post...gonna off to bed.. and last..
promote my shop yi xia xia ah....
my very first shop that i want make it for a long time ago...and finally i still on my way make it successful ^^♥
here we go the link:- http://www.facebook.com/misstarqdhouse
【Misstar Q DHouse】 ^^♥
星期三, 十一月 16, 2011

weee~!!!!! Good News?! there is an Eventants Job available~!Guess what~! It is a CONCERT JOB~!!!!!!! The date is 1st December and venue is at Sunway Resort~! SO, IT IS PITBULL CONCERT WEYYYYYY~!!!!!!!!!! muahahahaha xD i stand a chance..i apply for it...if im so lucky to be selected...i sure will high dao 996 jor xDD
wish me luck babe ^^
星期六, 十一月 05, 2011
Pitbull Live in Malaysia?!
DiGi Presents Pitbull Live in Malaysia | Ticketpro - Your Ticket to the Entertainment World:
omg~! i just realized that Pitbull is going to have a live in Malaysia *woot x2382937903450*
it is on 1/12/2011 ~! the date before the fyp submition day~! o.O
omfg~! damn think to go leh~! but my fyp?! *scream*
how?! How?! HOw?! HOW?!
i want feel the pitbull live's high High~!! >O<
星期三, 十一月 02, 2011
LMFAO - Party Rock Anthem ft. Lauren Bennett, GoonRock - YouTube:
im so stresss~!!! Stress 99~!!! I WANT PARTY ROCK~!!!!!
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