help me click it oo~~ just will take your few minutes:)

星期四, 十二月 30, 2010

singapore trp ~♥

horay~~~its the very first time that i travel to other country SingApoRe!!!

its nothing much to say...just using the picha tell the trip la...hahaha xP

the first day:-

"here i come, SINGAPORE!" ^^

say yeah~~

the second day:-

on the way to sentosa X)

nice scene^^

outside of the universal studio but cant get inside :'(

可恶 >.<'''

change location to visit singapore adventure :)

so many sweet~~ sweet dao~~ Xd

almost to night...went to sentosa's beach station to watch the song of the sea!!! *music*

waiting the show to begin..

the show was freaky awesome!!! 5 star!!! XD

after finishing the show, went for night river cruise ^^

the only one clinic pub in Singapore :D

the third day to be continue X)
